The Omega’s Secret Baby

Eight years ago, Eli gave up his future as a veterinarian because of a blue line on a pregnancy test. Now a single dad to the best little boy in the world, he’s working at an animal shelter and trying his hardest to ignore the small town gossip that follows him and his son around. Contrary to popular belief, he does know who the other father is—the irresistible alpha from his youth. But Matt’s upper class family doesn’t think an omega is good enough for their son, and Eli’s not going to expose his kid to that kind of prejudice. Besides, Matt ran off and married someone else, so he couldn’t have felt that much for Eli, could he?

After years of trying to make his arranged marriage work, Matt’s getting divorced--much to his high society family’s dismay and fury. And his relief—something had to change. It does, when he runs into the omega he’d fallen for as a college senior and never quite managed to forget. The moment he lays eyes on Eli, he wants him back, and to hell with what his parents think.

And there’s that little boy, Eli’s son, who tugs on Matt’s heart as hard as Eli does. Could it be…?


A Baby for the Firefighter

When childhood best friends Griff and Dean meet again, sparks fly…

In Oceanport, New England’s most gossipy small town, people wonder about Griff. Such a cute omega can’t possibly be satisfied without a proper mate they say. Yet he’ll be thirty soon and as far as they know he’s never been with anyone! The truth is that Griff has given up on finding love… that is until his childhood best friend moves back to town and sets his heart on fire.

When Dean’s firefighter career is sidetracked by a tragic accident, returning to his roots to mend seems like a good move. It gives him a chance to breathe, as well as a chance to reconnect with his oldest friend, the omega who stole his heart when they were young. For some reason though, Griff keeps shying away from him, and it takes Dean a lot of patience, and a ton of cupcakes, to lure the sugar-addict out of his shell—and into his arms.

But Dean’s memories are still seared by the tragedy that sent him home and Griff is afraid of giving in to his omega instincts. Can they win through their personal walks of fire or is their flame bound to burn out?


The Omega’s Surprise Baby

A haunted omega, a single dad, and the world's sweetest surprise...

Music has always been the first love of singer-songwriter Kade Ashton. And it was that love that gave him the strength to defy his family and the cult they belonged to, running away from his arranged marriage to make a life for himself amongst the spotlights. He’s living his dream, until a media scandal derails his career and leaves him hiding from the very public he used to seek out.

But his dream is still alive, and to get his career back on track, he’ll take any job that gets him in front of an audience and helps him pay his bills. Even if it means performing at a wedding in that worst of all terrible places—a small town.

After his husband’s death, Shane is convinced he’s had his one chance at love and that part of his life is over. He has his kids, and they’re enough to keep a single dad on his toes—there’s no time or room for dating. Until he’s asked to host the singer for his cousin’s wedding. First, the sexy omega’s music draws him in, then he meets the omega himself. And he realizes that, maybe, love isn’t just a one-time thing.

Still, their one night together was supposed to be just that, until a positive pregnancy test brings them back together. Can they find a harmonious middle ground between small-town father and big-city star, or are they doomed to lives that are out of tune with their hearts?


The Omega’s Fake Mate

He was my best friend, my first love, and now he's my fake boyfriend....

Nick knows omegas are supposed to be meek and obedient, but he must have been standing in the wrong line when those qualities were being handed out. After losing his job again for not keeping his mouth shut, he heads home to small town Maine to hang with family and stuff himself on Thanksgiving turkey.

Or that’s the plan until he wakes up one night, his heart racing with the certainty that his brother is in danger. Nick needs to protect Rhys, but his twin married into a cult that permits no unmated omegas to enter its gated communities. To get inside, Nick needs a mate—a fake one, because he has no interest in a real one. Unfortunately, the only alpha he’d trust with his brother’s safety is also the one he’d most like to avoid—his childhood sweetheart.

Zander’s life is full. By day, he runs his bookstore; by night, he writes steamy romance novels, and he’s happy that way. If only he could stop his parents’ matchmaking, his life would be perfect. Or so he thinks, until his first love approaches him with an impossible favor to ask. And maybe they could both win—Nick rescues his brother, and Zander gets his parents off his back for a while.

It’s supposed to be an easy mission, no feelings involved, but when the lines blur between what’s real and what’s pretend, things start to heat up—between the sheets and otherwise.


A Baby for Christmas

The very best presents are nine months in the making...

When Robin was three, his mother took him to the mall and then disappeared into the crowd of Christmas shoppers, never to be seen again. Growing up in foster care was hard, but finding out that he was omega gave him hope. Someday, he’d have his own family, better than the one that abandoned him. Problem is, he needs a partner. A good one. When his latest boyfriend dumps him—on Christmas Eve!—he ends up at his best friend Ben’s house. Ben used to be a fantastic partner, but he’s got his own demons, so Robin tries to be happy with just his friendship these days.

Ben’s always loved Robin, but as the fourth generation in a family that passes down abuse like it’s an heirloom, he’s decided to put an end to the pattern. He plans to never have children, for fear he’ll turn out just like his father, and so he keeps Robin at arm’s length. Until Robin goes into heat and all plans are turned upside down.

Robin is pregnant, a Christmas miracle. The start of the family he’s always wanted. But is Ben strong enough to overcome his fear and his family history? And can Robin, abandoned by so many, find the courage to trust Ben to stay?


The Wedding Planner’s Manny

When Rhys returned to his hometown, he thought he'd escaped his abusive cultist husband, but shortly after settling back into Oceanport, he discovers he's pregnant--from his ex. Determined to give his baby a good life and to do it without his ex's knowledge, Rhys needs a job. Luckily, his brother's wedding planner needs a manny. Which sounds perfect, until Rhys shows up for the interview and he realizes his new boss used to be his secret childhood crush.

Ethan spends his life planning everyone else's happy ever afters--too bad he can't make that work for his own life. He certainly never planned for his wife to walk out on him, or to end up the single father of two boys, yet somehow that's where he's found himself. But if it's hard on him, it's worse for his sons. Emotionally wounded, 3-year-old Caleb's struggled in every daycare Ethan's tried, and 12-year-old Nathan's chased off every nanny Ethan's hired in between. Ethan needs someone special, who can bridge the growing gap between him and the boys and make them whole again.

In Rhys, Ethan finally finds that someone. But as he watches Rhys's slowly knit his family back together, he finds himself falling for the courageous young omega. Only, Rhys is still healing himself from his last relationship, and so is Ethan. It looks hopeless. But Rhys is done running, and Ethan has a plan--can they create their own happy ending from the ashes of their past?


Room Mates

Lucas has never been kissed--until the night he goes into heat.

College sophomore Lucas has big plans. He wants to graduate, go to law-school and become an advocate for omega rights. To accomplish all that, though, there's a secret he needs to keep—no one can ever discover that he’s omega. So far, everything’s gone to plan, until he finds himself rooming with the hottest alpha on campus.

At first glance, Adam seems to have it all. He's an alpha, a star player on the college football team and heir to his parents' extremely successful business. His future is secure--except it's not the future he wants. He's not interested in their money or the willing omegas his mother would love to set him up with. What he is interested in is his new roommate, though he knows his chances are slim. Lucas is a beta after all, and beta males are rarely interested in other men. Still, he has to try his luck, even if it means disappointing his parents.

A drink too many at a frat party leads to a night of passion—and unexpected consequences for both young men. While Lucas fights to save the career he’s always dreamed of, Adam fights to save the family he never knew he wanted. And they learn that, together, all battles can be won.


Just Like in the Movies

Book Cover: Just Like in the Movies
Part of the Hollywood Hearts series:

Second chances only happen in the movies, right?

Following in his starlet grandmother's footsteps, Micah West left for the bright lights of Hollywood right after high school. He's spent the last five years building a name for himself as a young and rising star and his career is definitely going places. When his grandmother passes away, Micah finally comes home again and he’s terrified. It’s the first time he’s set foot in Longwood since he wooed and won and dumped his high school sweetheart. And now he has to face his biggest critic—the man he still loves.

Lewellyn King's life fell apart the night Mike called him from L.A. to break off their engagement and it’s never quite recovered. The whole town is convinced he hates Micah, but Lew knows the truth—he never stopped loving the alpha he'd been getting ready to marry. When he meets Mike again at the funeral, old hopes and hurts flare back up, but neither man can deny the feelings that still run strong between them.

Mike wants to make it right. Lew wants the man he was promised. But real life can't be just like the movies. Can it?

Chapter 1

I normally didn’t get this upset when a resident of the senior’s home I worked at passed away. It was expected and while it was sad, it had happened often enough that we’d all learned not to get too attached.
But Madelyne West had been more than just a resident to me.
The television flickered gently in the darkness of the living room, more a light to keep me company than anything else. I had the sound turned down, because my niece and nephew were sleeping down the hall and I didn't want to wake them on a school night. A commercial was showing at the moment, an animated toothbrush dancing gleefully with a tube of toothpaste.
"Lew, aren't you on the morning shift tomorrow?" my mother called gently to me.
"Yeah," I called back quietly.
The light coming from the arched doorway dimmed slightly and when I looked up, I found her watching me with sympathy. "


You don't have to go to the visitation if you think he'll be there."
I shook my head. "I'm going." I'd loved old Maddie, even after I'd stopped loving her grandson.
Oh, who was I kidding? I'd never stopped loving Micah West, not even after he'd dumped me for a career in Hollywood. I just hated him now too.
It was complicated.
Mom sighed and turned away, and moments later I heard her footsteps heading down the hall. She was probably going to bed. I should go to bed too.
At least get off the main floor of the house so that I wouldn't wake anyone up if I got stupid.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
I turned the television off and told myself I wouldn't hurry down to my little suite in the basement.       But my feet had minds of their own and I was downstairs just in time to catch the end of the opening monologue of the late night talk show I'd been telling myself I didn't need to watch.
Mike’s was the first interview of the show.
Damn, he still looked good.
Around here, everyone knew why I wouldn't go see a Micah West movie. It was like local legend, sunk deep into the bones of the town. They all thought I was still mad at him.
They were half right.
Oh, I was mad all right, but it had worn down over time, like a rock in a river. And underneath it, the thing that still fed my anger and kept it simmering along, was the love I couldn't carve out of my heart, no matter how hard I tried.
But no, it wasn't so much that I was mad. I was afraid. Terrified that the anger I nursed, that kept me from collapsing under the rejection, would disappear if I saw him again. Heard his voice.
Woke those memories.
God, he was beautiful. The perfect Hollywood romantic lead. Dark hair, chiseled jaw, eyes you could fall into for days. He still looked like Mike from high school, but sharper, more polished. A new, improved Mike. I slumped on my bed and stared at the screen, mesmerized.
I couldn’t see him.
But I also couldn't miss Maddie's funeral. I wouldn't. She'd been a rock the past five years of my life, even more than my parents had been. She'd understood, in a way that my electrician dad and store manager mom couldn't.
But then, she'd been one of the big names when Hollywood itself was still only a little one.
I watched Mike being charming and funny, the devilish grin, the shape of his hands sparking off memories of how the feel of them against my skin had made me beg.
Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and I turned the television off, then rolled over to bury my face in my pillows and scream until I cried, and then cry until I slept.


Chapter 2

I got off the plane at the Longwood airport and went straight for the bathroom. Not that I needed to go. I was just going to lose my mind if I didn't get a few minutes out of sight of other people. Really, I loved my fans—they were my lifeblood and my bread and butter. But dammit, I was on my way home for my grandmother's funeral and I just needed to be alone in my head for a while. I needed to be Mike again for a while, not Micah West, ™. So I hit the bathroom and folded myself into a stall so I could just...sit, and let the pleasantly neutral smile on my face fade. I was tired. And scared. I hadn't been home since...
Since I'd been a fucking stupid, selfish asshole.
You can't hide in here all day.
With a sigh, I pushed myself to my feet and gave up the security of the stall. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I came out—I looked like shit, but that wasn't surprising. I was getting close to forty-eight hours without sleep and about half of that fighting back tears. Which started up again as soon as I thought about it, so I dropped my bag on the floor beside the sink and turned the water on, washing my hands and splashing some on my face to try to hide the evidence.
"Hey," said the guy washing his hands at the sink next to mine. "You're Micah West, aren't you?"
Shit. "Yes, I am." I grabbed a couple of paper towels and dried off before shaking the man's hand.
"I loved you in Two Days in Tripoli. You were fantastic."
"Thank you. I enjoyed that one." No I hadn't, but it had been work. And, I should feel a little grateful—it had been a breakout that no one had expected and that film's critical and financial success had led to me getting a bunch of other roles. Which had led to this—small talk in the men's bathroom at Longwood airport.
"So, what are you working on now?" he asked, all chatty now.
"Nothing at the moment." I'd told my agent to make it work, that I was going to take a couple of weeks off to be with my family. She hadn't been happy about it, but I'd made it stick. They could work around my scenes for two weeks—it had been done before for other actors. I didn’t mind working long days after to make up the time. "I'm on vacation."
“Yes, right, I heard about your grandmother. My condolences."
I smiled, working far too hard to make it not look as tired as I felt. "Thank you." And now to disengage and get out of this suddenly claustrophobic space. "I better go, someone's coming to pick me up."
"Oh, sure, sure," the man said.
I made it as far as the door before the question I'd been dreading hit me from behind. "Hey, before you go, could I get a picture? No one's going to believe me."
My hand tightened on the handle of the bathroom door. I watched my knuckles go white and forced my hand to relax. "I'd rather not. I'm here for my grandmother's funeral." Then I rudely yanked the door open and made my escape out into the suddenly welcome noise of the crowd.
I found my mom waiting right at the end of the corridor and let her fold me into a tight hug with a feeling of relief.
"Mike, it's so good to see you." She stroked my hair and let me hold onto her for as long as I needed. She'd always been good at knowing when what I was projecting on the outside wasn't what was going on inside.
"Hey, Ma," I said and surreptitiously wiped the tears from my eyes. "Thanks for coming to get me."
"I'm always your mother," she said with another hug. "No matter how big a name you are in Hollywood now."
That made me laugh—I really wasn’t all that big, but hopefully getting there. "Thanks." I glanced around and noticed that we were already attracting attention. "We should maybe go. I'm not in the mood to play the actor tonight."
She nodded. "I sent your father down to find your bag so we could go right out to the car." She put her arm around me and started leading me out of Arrivals and toward the front door. I could already see the headlines in the trash mags tomorrow—Devastated actor comes home to mourn dead starlet grandmother. Well, I hoped they got paid well for the pictures.
It felt weird, coming home. Sitting in the back seat of the family car, the familiar smells taking me back to my teenage years. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the headrest.
"I set your old bedroom up for you," Mom said. "There's leftover Chinese in the fridge if you're hungry."
"Thanks. I'll probably go right to bed. It's been crazy." Not that I thought I'd sleep anyway, but I could at least rest. Let my body relax a little. My brain certainly wouldn't.
The memory of my last conversation with my grandmother kept cycling through my thoughts. I promise you, Grandma, I'll come home to visit next week. I just need to finish post prod and do a couple of appearances, then I'm going to take a few days to visit my favorite starlet ever. I almost snorted in disgust at my own selfishness. I could have moved that schedule around, made a couple of days to get home to see her. She didn't often ask me for anything. Never asked me to do anything that would keep me from working—she knew the business.
I should have known when she called that night and complained, in a way that was entirely out of character for her, that she hadn't seen me in ages and could I please come to visit her soon? She'd been so insistent, like somehow, she'd known what was coming, and I'd put her off like the self-centered young idiot I was.
The sound of the trunk opening made me sit up, and then Dad slammed it closed and came around to get in the driver's side of the car. "It's good to see you, Mike."
"You too, Dad."
Dad started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "Saw you on the talk show last night. You sure that was a good idea?"
"Graham," Mom said in a tone of warning.
"What? I'm just saying that it didn't look respectful, his Grandma just passed and he's on TV talking and joking?"
"I didn't know, Dad. I didn't get your voicemail until after the show. It was filmed a couple of days ago." Like I wasn't feeling guilty enough already. But Dad had never quite forgiven me for Lew.
Of course, I hadn't quite forgiven myself for that either. Which didn’t make this any easier. But maybe I deserved it—after all, I’d blown off my grandmother for my career in Hollywood, and the omega I was supposed to have loved, I had dumped because the optics of big Hollywood star with small town omega didn’t fly. I couldn’t really tell myself anymore that I hadn’t been an asshole when I’d broken off my engagement to chase the spotlight a little harder. Sure, it had been good for my career, but the last couple of days had made me realize that ambition had turned me into someone I didn’t much like.
Hardest of all, I still loved him.
There was nothing I could do to make it up to Grandma.
My eyes flicked up to the back of my Dad’s head. He and Lew had been close—I’d sometimes thought he liked my fiancé more than he liked me.
Maybe he had a point.
But would he help me try to make it up to Lew? At least apologize? I was going to have to eat a lot of humble pie, but I could get used to that. And maybe—damn, no. That was a stupid idea. I’d dumped him, in the cruelest way possible. There was no way he’d ever take me back.
I sighed and closed my eyes, wondering how I’d get through these next two weeks.


Act Like You Don’t Care

Book Cover: Act Like You Don't Care
Part of the Hollywood Hearts series:

In Hollywood, it can be hard to know what’s real.

As an omega in Hollywood, Tam’s had to fight for everything. Roles, respect, independence. So what if a steady relationship had to go by the wayside? Once he’s established—and he’s so close he can taste it—he’ll have time to look around for an alpha that’s willing to play second fiddle to Tam’s skyrocketing career. He’s okay with his hot mess of a social life—until the letters start coming. Creepy letters, from someone who thinks an omega has no business in Hollywood and is willing to resort to violence to get their way.

When the movie studio hired Miles to guard one of their rising stars, he wasn’t counting on the biggest threat being the one to his heart. Even though he knows they’re just faking for the cameras—and Tam’s stalker—pretending to be the star’s boyfriend feels too much like the real thing. Before he realizes it, he’s broken the first rule of bodyguarding and fallen hard for the rebellious omega with the fiercely protected heart. And now he has to find his way through the dangerous maze of Tam’s heart without sending the omega running for the hills.

Tam’s world is turned upside-down by a little blue line. He wants this child he and Miles have created and he wants Miles too, except the cost of having them could be everything Tam's ever built for himself. Can a solid future be built even on Hollywood dreams or will Tam have to spend the next eighteen years acting like he doesn’t care?

A novel set in the Oceanport omegaverse.


Oceanport Omegas — Complete Series

"The love stories are big in these small town romances."

This non-shifter mpreg bundle includes all six books of the Oceanport Omegas series, as well as several bonus scenes to round out your experience of the story. Full of love, babies, puppies and romance, these stories are guaranteed to leave you with a warm feeling this fall.

The Omega's Secret Baby: Single dad Eli doesn't know what to do when his son's other father comes back into town, especially since Matt never knew their summer romance ended in pregnancy.

A Baby for the Firefighter: People think there's something wrong with Griff because he's never been with an alpha, but all that might change when firefighter Dean, his best friend and secret childhood crush, returns home and melts his heart.

The Omega's Surprise Baby: Widowed alpha and single dad Shane thinks he's had his chance at love--until fallen-from-grace popstar Kade Ashton makes his heart sing again.

The Omega's Fake Mate: Nick needs no alpha in his life--except for his best friend Zander. He needs Zander to fake a relationship with him to infiltrate the cult his twin brother married into and rescue him. Easy, right?

The Wedding Planner's Manny: Rhys never thought the alpha he crushed on as a child still remembered him, but when he starts working as his manny, he's quickly proven wrong--and now he's falling for his boss.

A Baby for Christmas: Abandoned by his mother at a young age, all omega Robin ever wanted was to have a family of his own--too bad his best friend and first love Ben is scared of having children. But when a heat-fueled night of passion leaves Robin pregnant he might just get his Christmas wish anyway.